For My Most Beloved
I'll love you forever
Happy 28th Birthday Laner!
Holy shit you're 28, such a cougar
I'll love you forever
Happy 28th Birthday Laner!
Holy shit you're 28, such a cougar
Hey Laner!
Happy Birthday darling. Just wanted to pop in here and let you know how much I love you and how much you mean to me.
These 6 years of knowing you have been the 6 best years of my life and you are a large reason for that. When I met you I remember telling Emma and Jeremy, "This girl is amazing, we might even go the distance. It's just something about her, she hits all the boxes." Little did I know how true that was :)
You are such a vibrant, caring, and thoughtful person. You have helped me grow in ways that I didn't realize I had to until I met you. Your empathy is something I strive to match every day.
I'm also so proud of how much you've grown since we first met. Your desire to do better for yourself and others is one of the things I love most and has been so crucial in keeping our relationship strong. I love that you want to grow with me and keep working on all the things we have left to do. There is no one I would rather have with me through thick and thin.
Thank you so much for coming on this vacation with me and my family, I can't wait to continue experiencing life with you especially New Zealand later this year. ♥
Lastly, here is a poem I just made up with any AI help this time. I'm sure it'll be hard to tell though ;)
My wonderful girlfriend is named Laner.
She is my favorite painter.
She reads all day
and reads all night
and sometimes if I ask very nicely she'll turn off her light.
She grows plants in our apartment
and works in the dietetics department.
She has a green thumb
and a wonderful bum
and makes the most tastey food that makes me go "Yum!"
Last but not least
She is an absolute beast
That I can't help but love until I'm deceased.
Happy Birthday most beloved!